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NLP Training is the buzzword in personal development circles now. If you are interested in Personal development there is every chance you might have heard about it. And you also wondered about it.

Fast and Miraculous transformations are attributed to NLP Training. You might be thinking about how NLP Training could do this. If that is the case, then this blog can help you understand the NLP phenomena better.

NLP Training

NLP stands for Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Each word is specifically significant and represents particular domains.

The word Neuro represents our central nervous system that is made of our brain, spinal cord and associated nerve systems. We process the data from the world around us as “ Experiences “.

And we use language to interpret these experiences to give “ Meaning “ to these experiences – the linguistic part.

And we engage in a series of behaviors based on the Meaning which we give to these experiences. This is the programming part.

Neuro – Experience

Linguistic – Meaning

Programming – Behavior

Very predominantly the behavior depends on the meaning which we give to the experience and not to the experience itself. So if one wants to change the behavior he need not change the experience itself. All he has to do is change the Meaning of the experience and a better behavior will emerge.

The better behavior will indirectly bring him a better experience.

This I believe is the basic philosophy of NLP. NLP is the art and science of changing the “ Meaning “ of experiences.

For changing the meaning NLP uses three principles, called the “ARM” of NLP – Anchoring, Reframing and Modeling. ( I have written about each one these in my other blogs )

Now let us look at the various definitions of NLP :

  • NLP is the study of subjective experience.
  • NLP is the study of Human Excellence and how it can be duplicated. ( Modeling )
  • NLP is the study of the influence of language on our mind and subsequent behavior.
  • NLP is the systematic study of human communication.
  • NLP is the ability to be your best more often.
  • NLP is the powerful and practical approach to personal change.
  • NLP is the software for the brain.
  • NLP is whatever works.
  • NLP is an attitude and methodology that leaves behind a trail of techniques.
  • NLP is the art and science of excellence.


5 ways how NLP Training can help you:


Get rid of the burdens and baggage of the past :

NLP Training helps you understand that any experience has a structure. And it is possible to make changes in these structures. Once the structure changes the corresponding connection and emotions change.

Memories are relived experiences and they too have a structure. The structure is made of pictures, sounds, and feelings. These are in turn made of bits of pictures, sounds, and feelings which are called “ Sub Modalities “.

Just like a building is made of bricks, the experience is made of sub modalities. NLP Training helps you to work around these sub modalities and create changes in them.

By changing these sub modalities you create a changing experience and BINGO, the experience doesn’t mean the same to you. This is one powerful way to get out negative experiences and their impact on you.


Fixing clear and concrete goals

Which bus will you board when you do not where to go? The first one, the middle one or the last one? Wouldn’t it be better to board a bus after knowing where you want to go or at least where the bus goes. ( Think about the expression of the bus conductor, when he asks you, “ Where to… “ and you reply, “ where does this bus go…?”

NLP Training would want you to start working with outcomes first… Any process begins with setting the outcome… remember “ Begin with the end in mind..”

Because without the outcome the process becomes invalid. So one of the questions that you will frequently get asked in an NLP Training would frequently ( very frequently ) would ask you would be… “ What is that you really want?”

( Actually it is “ What is that you really, really, really want ?” )

And NLP Training would shake you up till things get cleared and settled and you know your “Well formed outcome”.  And when god appears before you and asks you ”

What do you want? “ you will be able to answer, not just “SMART”ly but much more with depth and conviction…


To be Successful easily and also to teach being successful easily

As said earlier, NLP believes success is a Process.

That excellent cake is the OUTCOME of a particular process. Anyone, Yes, anyone who follows the same process will get the same excellent cake.

Stated simply, this means “ Do what works well. You can improve on it later” Instead of reinventing the wheel, with a trial and error process, which could be very tiring, if one can identify, observe, break into small pieces and integrate, what works for a expert, he can get far better results quickly and easily.

An expert’s excellence comes from Environment, Behavior, Capabilities, Beliefs & Values, and Identity. If one can identify, observe, break into small pieces and integrate what works for the individual, then he can expect far better results.

This doesn’t mean the person becomes a Xerox copy of the expert, but picks up what could be useful to him and then innovate to suit his uniqueness and his identity. So, NLP  Training helps you to think about Success as a process, which can be modeled, developed, and taught.


To understand and influence people:

When people around you behave in ways that you did not expect, you might be surprised or shocked. But NLP Training will make you curious in such circumstances and can make you resourceful.

NLP Training helps you understand people operate from their Model of the world and for you to understand them you have to meet them at their Model of the world.

NLP Training will also teach you that “ There is a positive intention behind EVERY behavior”.When you really understand and internalize that, you would be in a position to identify what makes people tick, the intentions behind their behavior and build rapport and take the relationship forward.

And you can believe me when I say “ you would start hating people less and would be able to forgive them more”


To create Transformations easily and comfortably

It is said that NLP Training is more like Martial Arts. I would say it is more like driving a vehicle.

You do not consciously think and apply the brakes or change the gear or accelerate or glide down that gentle curve. If you do so, you and your bike would be more stressed, more worn out, and riding a bike would be hell.

You do martial arts and drive a bike mostly unconsciously. Otherwise, you would be knowing how many times you applied the brakes when you went to pick up that pizza.

Your unconscious is huge and benevolent. Learning to utilize the power and potential of the unconscious in a myriad of ways is also what NLP Training teaches about.

Sweeping and quick changes could be brought about when you can learn to connect, communicate and lead your unconscious mind to better outcomes and behavior.

By learning to “ DEAL “ with the unconscious you can release the brakes that the unconscious has put on and help the struggling “ Conscious “ engine to take you where you want to go with ease and comfort…

These would be the five dominant ways in which NLP Training can help you become Successful and Happy…


To know more about NLP and to apply it effectively in your personal and professional lives, you can attend NLP Course and learning workshops by me


Certified NLP Trainer and a Leadership and Business Coach


Excel HR
