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NLP Course Anchoring Brain

NLP is considered a powerful tool for personal and professional excellence. This happens because an NLP course helps you train yourMind. NLP courses work at multiple levels to bring powerful transformation. Like behavior, capabilities, values, and beliefs and also at the level of Identify an NLP course can create positive changes.

And all these changes start with the Mind. NLP Courses work by training the mind. For deep thinkers, it can be felt that the world is not outside there. But it is inside our heads. An NLP principle says “ Perception is Projection “. It could also mean “ what the mind cannot see, the eye cannot see”. We tend to see what we want to see. Other things which are not in alignment with our existing beliefs and values, may not be clearly perceived by us.

This concept is called the Psychological filter “Deletion“. Lots of data from the external world called “ Territory “ in NLP terms, stream to us. It is said that about 7 lakhs bits of data / second stream to us. Our brain cannot process all this data. Hence we have 3 psychological filters called Generalization, Deletion, and Distortion. You can get more details about these in the video here :

So, as seen earlier, an NLP course helps you to train your mind. Training your mind to get what you want. Let us break out this in three elemental ways, by which an NLP course can help you train your mind.

These three elements are called ARM of NLP. They are

A – Anchoring

R – Reframing

M- Modelling

Let us see these three elements briefly

Anchoring :

An anchor is an external stimulus that produces consistent mind states. For example, an old black and white photogram of you and your friend can immediately put you in a happy state.

The award that you got, for being the most productive employee,  that you have kept in the showcase, can be a powerful anchor, which immediately makes you feel proud and build your self-esteem.

The Anchor can be a picture, sound, a touch, a smell, and also a taste.

Now the issue is not all anchors are positive in nature, in the sense, they create not positive emotions, but create negative mind states. For example, the name of a particular city, where something untoward happening to you, can remain etched in your memory, and whenever you hear or read the name of the place, you actually start feeling bad.

A person, who happens to receive very bad news, while eating ice cream, can start feeling bad wherever he sees an ice cream.

So, we can understand that Anchors can be all around us, putting us either in positive or negative mindstates. These Anchors happen mostly unconsciously, and we may not be having control over their formation or occurrence.

An NLP course can help you create consciously very powerful Positive Anchors, which you can use at your will to change your mind states from something negative or neutral to something very positively powerful.

An NLP Practitioner is required to create a few anchors for himself/herself for shifting mindstates to positive ones and also help other people create one.

Let us briefly talk about one Anchor, that I normally teach in my NLP Course, “ The Golden Circle of Excellence “

The purpose of this Anchor is to utilize a positive memory from your past, Identify the Resource or the Positive emotion you had at that time, and then access that resource whenever and wherever you want.

So, the requirements are,

1 – A strong positive memory you have that is very fresh and easy to access.

2- Identifying what is the resource or emotion you had at that particular time. For example, the memory where you got the best employee award could be a resource of pride, confidence, or self-esteem. You need to choose one resource with one name for maximum effectiveness. Later you can add many resources to the same anchor or other anchors.

3 – Identify a future situation, where you want to use this resource, easily and effortlessly with maximum effectiveness.

If you have done so, then here is the Procedure.

Golden Circle of Excellence Procedure                                        

  • Choose a resource that is needed to handle a current challenge
  • Choose a past memory in which the required resource was in abundance
  • Put yourself in a mild trance, while being able to maintain a comfortable standing position
  • Visualize a golden circle on the floor about one to two feet in diameter
  • Step into the circle and access the memory
  • Relive the memory in its entirety in VAK ( What you See ( Visual ), What you Hear ( Auditory ) and what you Feel ( Kinesthetic )
  • Focus on the feeling and intensify it
  • At the peak, leave the emotion inside the circle ( like a pillow cover, being drawn and dropped from a pillow ) and step back
  • Break state by observing or counting things in the room
  • Repeat the process once more
  • Break state by observing or counting things in the room
  • The third round is the test round
  • After putting yourself in a mild trance state, visualize the golden circle on the floor and step directly into the circle
  • Allow the VAK to be accessed
  • If the earlier steps had been done effectively, the test round would bring in the required resource automatically, at least to some extent
  • As you are accessing the resource future pace and see yourself using the resource in an appropriate situation effectively
  • Give permission to your unconscious mind to access the resource at appropriate times.
  • If the test round is not effective, the trance depth may not have been adequate, or the person may not be fully involved
  • Repeat the activity for few weeks until the anchor becomes set and can be fired inappropriate situations

So, do try this out and check it for yourself. You can also join My NLP Course, and learn it directly from me. You can access my courses on my website.

You can learn the other two elements Reframing and Modelling from my upcoming blogs. Remember NLP courses can help you train your mind, for the better.