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About Me


I am RamasurbramanianGanapathy. I help Individuals/Executives/ Entrepreneurs achieve break throughs in their  Profession/Relationships/Business/Career/Life purpose by

  • Making them aware of their Beliefs and Value System
  • Identifying limiting patterns in Thinking/Language/Behavior and working on them
  • Help them set Strong/Clear/Purposeful Goals
  • Cocreating Strategies for achievement of those Goals
  • Help them in Managing their Mind States by use of specific Techniques and Attitudinal change works
  • Help them in Creating and Sustaining Change at various levels
  • By being their Accountability Partner and gently but firmly pushing them out of their Comfort Zones

I do all these based on Facilitation processes and  Coaching Principles. I draw heavily on NLP Applications, Eastern Wisdom Practices and Modern Management frame works. I express and connect  fromthe Space of my own Applications,Experiences and Learnings of the above practices.

Learn, Apply and Teach has been my Philosophy in Life. I continuously strive to live up to this philosophy and it has been an interesting and fascinating journey so far. I invite you to take part in this journey where we can continuously keep exploring ourselves and this phenomenon called LIFE.

“Progress is more important than perfection.”


I am very interested in Human behavior and have studied it deeply using Psychology, NLP , Modern management practices and Eastern wisdom practices. I also have 20 years of Industrial Executive and Managerial experience, which makes me a seasoned trainer and coach who can understand human behaviour and provide solutions to a variety of issues in areas of Motivation, Relationships, Personal Development, Managerial and Leadership development, business and profession.

NLP is my passion and I have been deeply and positively affected by it. My life transformed and took a whole new dimension after my NLP learnings. I was able to make very profound and direction setting decisions in my life.As a result of these decisions I have more awareness,freedom and choice leading to a more happy and prosperous life.

I wanted to teach NLP and I wanted it to teach it from a space of how NLP impacted and improved my life. I started my NLP trainings and have been doing so for the past 11 years. I have trained hundreds of people both from the corporate and public space and I derive a huge satisfaction from this fact.

I have more than 1000 man days of training under my belt and look forward to doing more so. NLP is my passion and I believe NLP can really transform people’s life. Teaching and touching people’s lives is my vision and I am motivated and committed to that Vision

I am also a Certified and Licensed Coach.I have more than 1200 hours of Coaching experience.Coaching is a very powerful way of helping people to not only solve probles but also bring out their best. And when I bring in the Coaching elements into my NLP trainings, what results is a very powerful and heady mix of insights and transformations.

I am also an author and I have published four books so far. These books are in the areas of I am also an author and I have published four books so far. These books are in the areas of 

  • NLP ( The first book about NLP in Tamil )
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Goal setting
  • A book with my fictional stories that appeared in leading magazines.